Retail app solutions

From supply chains to merchandising to customer experience, digitisation is changing the way all businesses and industries function. Whilst this is creating a lot of disruption, it is also unleashing massive opportunities for businesses to embrace new agile technologies that are able to change the way business is managed and understood. The Connect Group is the digital innovation leg of the MVM business, headed up by Jane Rosen and Warren Canning. The team offers two types of SaaS platforms. Our products strive to disrupt traditional legacy systems and challenge operational efficiencies. ConnectFMCGConnectDISTRIBUTORConnectACTIVATION and ConnectRETAIL are two of our retail and FMCG specific platforms and fall into both categories. The solutions are implemented and customised based on the fundamental needs within each business.

“One of our biggest successes this year has been introducing ConnectFMCG into 210 corporate stores within the Pick ‘n Pay Group”, says Connect Group Business Strategist, Jane Rosen. “The ConnectFMCG platform which originally has its roots in brand performance at store level, has come full circle and we are offering a retail solution to groups like Pick ‘n Pay who are constantly improving in-store operational KPI’s and most importantly ROI on promotional activity.”

“With so much information gathered on product, pricing, promotions, campaigns, in store activations and media space within the store, we realised that there was a gap to get insights from the store back to head office level through an easy-to-use platform”, says Canning. “ConnectFMCG encourages a more effective communication stream, drives employee excellence, customer centricity in the trade, promotes intrapreneurial spirit within the groups and offers real-time dashboard reporting on activity, growth opportunities and challenges in the market.”

“Organisations need to start moving away from ‘there is an app for that’ mentality. We find that the majority of the organisations we work with don’t allocate enough resources to their ‘digital transformation’ strategies and often apply solutions as quick patches. The Connect Group has identified that it is less about the gee-wiz technology and more about the people who interact with our technology on a daily basis. Our exceptional user experience and empathic design approach allows for businesses to get into the hearts and minds of the people on the ground.” Through our agile approach to business we believe in starting now, starting small and improving constantly.

“We offer world class support to our customers through multiple channel support platforms. Our development team iterates through new designs and technologies on a weekly basis and the best part is, we don’t charge our clients an arm and a leg for it!” says Rosen.

The Connect Team have been guided and mentored by Martin Rosen for the past five years. His leadership and knowledge of the South African retail market has allowed the team to understand key elements of the business. “We strive to make our solutions available, valuable and affordable to all businesses, big and small.”

Connect sees the ConnectFMCGConnectDISTRIBUTOR and ConnectRETAIL platforms as significant growth points in 2018.

To find out more, please contact Jane Sarah Rosen at

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